Reflections on 2022 from our CEO

January, 2023

As we enter a new year it is always good to reflect on the year we leave behind. Year 2022 has really been intense and exciting for QureTech Bio AB (QTB).
During last year we have had great support via ENABLE-2 to evaluate compounds for Gram-positive bacteria. We are proud to have managed to pass the continuous evaluation by the international program committee. The fruitful collaboration in the same settings continues also during 2023.

To accelerate this opportunity, we have strengthened the team with Hasan Tükenmez, Ph D, Senior Scientist, Microbiology. We have also had great support for a shorter period from Katarina Vielfort (Ph D, Senior Scientist, Microbiology) and Jaideep Bharate Ph.D (Senior scientist, Chemistry).

During this intense work together in ENABLE2 we have designed, evaluated and improved the properties of the Gram-positive compounds also evaluating Target product profiles (TPP) focusing on the clinical product.
For the tuberculosis project the properties of the compounds have been improved and more important data on the MoA has been discovered and in vivo experiments is ongoing.

The company’s patent portfolio has expanded during 2022 and the Chlamydia patent is now granted in USA, Europe, China, Japan, Australia, India, Mexico and Canada. In addition, a patent for drug candidates for treatment of tuberculosis is granted in USA, Europe, China, Japan, South Africa, Australia and South Korea and additional patents covering new and improved drug candidates in the tuberculosis and the Gram-positive project are pending.

The rewarding collaboration with scientific groups connected to our founders have generated several exciting results and publications, such as Nye et al in PNAS –

To increase awareness of Antimicrobial Resistance (AMR), QTB participated in SwedenBIO Bio´s AMR task force and as national coordinator for BEAM Alliance. The highlight was during World Antimicrobial Awareness Week (#WAAW) with the video –

For 2023 the collaboration with ENABLE2 continues and there are several exciting activities in all projects, including confirmatory in vivo experiments. The scientific results are very encouraging and to be able to develop these into products reducing antimicrobial resistance, we are searching for collaboration for both the tuberculosis and chlamydia projects. We will also be fundraising this year to cover the development of the Gram-positive program and we are looking for engaged, long-term investors. A lot of positive actions are currently planned to continue the progress of the company as well as further development of our important projects.

Fruitful collaboration within the company and its affiliated partners makes all these activities possible!
Thanks all for your contribution!